Substance Misuse

Drug Awareness Training

This training is aimed at and will benefit – adults, young people, children, professionals, those at risk, and those who safeguard. Knowledge is power!

SIA SFM Training, provide a wide range of accredited and non accredited Drug Awareness training courses throughout South Wales, including the Carmarthen, Swansea, Cardiff and Newport areas. More information about our drug awareness training courses can be found below.

Level 1 Award in Substance Misuse Awareness (QCF)

SFM Training are please to offer the HABC Level 1 Award in Substance Misuse Awareness which is accredited by the regulators of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is part of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF).

The training is delivered at school, college or appropriate learning environment, via age appropriate material and workbooks and is primarily aimed at Young People Pre 16, 16-18 and 19+, although adults will also benefit from this very beneficial QCF Level 1 Award
Successful completion of the module will lead to certification via The Highfield National Awarding Body, but more importantly it will contribute to the Safeguarding Agenda, and lead to a greater understanding of the dangers and impact of substance misuse within schools and society. Knowledge is power!
Training is provided via PowerPoint and mandatory workbook over 13 Guided Learning Hours.

The Syllabus includes;

  • Introduction to Drug Misuse
  • Reasons and factors why people use drugs
    types of substance misuse, signs, symptoms and their effects
  • Misleading signs and symptoms
  • Dangers and impact
  • Effects on society
  • Gaining support and advice
  • How stereotyping affects users
  • Peer pressure
  • The media and public perceptions
  • Responding to substance misuse in society
  • Workbook knowledge activities and test
This qualification is assessed by written workbook and learners must complete the Candidate Assessment Pack (CAP) in full. Initial learning take place within the learning environment, ie class or other suitable location, and students will take forward assignment briefs and work books via guided learning at home or in class. Students will then come back together with the tutor to complete the learning and assessments.
Progression and further learning routes include:• Level 2 Award in Substance Misuse (QCF) • Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care

This qualification also provides the opportunity for learners to develop competence in their key skills.

Costs: per student: including learning materials, workbook and certification

Number of students Cost per student depending upon total numbers

  • 0-10 call for details
  • 11- 50 students
  • 50-100 students
  • 100 plus students
The HABC Level 1 Award in Substance Misuse Awareness has been accredited by the regulators* of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is part of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). *The regulators are Ofqual in England, DCELLS in Wales and CCEA in Northern Ireland The qualification is supported by Skills for Health, the Sector Skills Council for the UK Health sector.

Please contact us for more information about Drug Awareness training. We can also offer bespoke packages for this course, depending on your requirements.

ADULTS can also help prevent, recognise and assess drug use and associated issues. However, teachers must first receive effective training in drug awareness.. Drug awareness training programs benefit not only the teachers who participate, but students, pupils their families and the greater community. Children often spend more waking hours at school and around their teachers than at home with their parents; as such, teachers who are able to recognise the signs of drug abuse are often the first line of assistance for that child. Students might feel more comfortable talking about their personal issues with a trusted teacher than with a parent, and teachers trained in dealing with drug abuse issues might have a better chance at success in assisting the young person in obtaining help or medical referrals.

Many colleges, schools and other organisations now have a drug and alcohol policy as part of their terms and conditions of employment. In order for the policy to achieve its aims, staff should be aware of the issues surrounding drugs and alcohol in the workplace, or learning environment and how it may affect them and their colleagues, and the repercussion of their actions on issues such as health and safety and litigation.
The purpose of the staff awareness training course is to provide staff with the recognition, situation management , emergency procedures, conflict management and coping strategies. Participants will learn about, drug use and misuse; how to recognise and respond to drug use and misuse; communicate with young people about drugs; and awareness of issues concerning alcohol use or misuse.

Contact us now

John: 07866 627703 or email

Tiff: 07526 739152 or email

Office – (01792) 201457